Incubator Business

Anyone who has ever started a business knows that getting one off the ground can be a monumental task requiring basic skill, tenacity, drive, determination and, normally, a considerable monetary investment.  The Contollo Business Incubator is designed to give new, fledgling businesses the unique opportunity to reach the SSPX faithful where they can be supported and matured.  If you are the owner or co-owner of a new venture and wish to reach the SSPX Latin Mass attending community, please read the criteria below to get started: 

  1. Your business is less then 5 years in operation, and
  2. Your business is one still based in the home, or
  3. You employ less than 2 full-time employees (including yourself). 

If this describes your business, we consider yours an “Incubator Business”.  If you would like to get started on your business profile with Contollo, please visit this link:

Frequently Asked Questions . . .

To visit our Frequently Asked Questions Page click here:   More Info . . .