Frequently Asked Questons . . .

  • Does Contollo have a technical person that can help me set up my business profile? 

Contollo does have a representative that can assist you in setting up your business profile.  Inquiries for help are made either by email or phone for this free assistance.

  •  Does Contollo offer discounts for its services?

Yes, periodically, coupons and other discounts will be emailed to all contributing members. Contollo also offers various pricing options within the General Advertising and Business Incubator sections. 

  • Can I write off any expenses for advertising my business through Contollo?

At this time, expenses that are paid to Contollo do not qualify as a tax write-off.  

  • How many people does Contollo think may use the site? 

The Fraternal Society of St. Pius X can be found in over 30 countries world-wide.  There are over 256 established Chapels in the United States alone.  Given the size and scope of the current reach of the SSPX, some have estimated the community size to be between 1 and 2 million members world-wide. Our hope is that Contollo will become a viable nexus for as many of the members of this community as possible. 

  • Does Contollo have plans to offer other services? 

Yes, however any other opportunities to build up the community of the SSPX faithful are contingent upon the number of partner businesses who are able to join.  We do envision the possibility of offering scholarships, setting up the equivalent of a “Go Fund Me” service, and more.

  • Does the SSPX condone or endorse what Contollo is doing? 

The original impetus for Contollo was highly encouraged by a priest of notable standing from within the SSPX who remains distally engaged and supportive although not directly involved.  

  • Why does Contollo only offer its services to the SSPX faithful and not other Latin Mass Catholics? 

Catholics who attend the Latin Mass offered by the FSSP, the ICK, the IGS, et alio, do not have the same kind of certainty about their continued ability to attend the Latin Mass.  At some point, the use of the Latin Mass may be denied to those communities.  Since the publication of Traditionis Custodes in July 2021 and Pope Francis’ response to the 11 Dubia published December 18, 2021, these communities find themselves in the precarious position of “renting” or “leasing” their Latin Mass on a week-to-week or month-to-month basis depending upon the good will of the local Post-Conciliar Ordinate to allow it.  Contollo is committed to networking the faithful who attend the Latin Mass.  Because non-SSPX communities rely on the good will and charity of their local Ordinate, we could find ourselves admitting now those whom, with the elevation of the next bishop or with the next papal declaration may not be afforded access to assist at the Latin Mass.    

  • Will Contollo ever offer its services to other Latin Mass attending Catholics? 

At Contollo, our hope is that every Catholic may have the Vetus Ordo available permanently and in the most proximate location possible.  Until such a time, we are focusing on building up the community of faithful that will be able to attend the Latin Mass with assured certainty, i.e. the Latin Mass of the SSPX. 

  • Why do I have to submit a “Statement of Good Standing” with my business submission? 

The Statement of Good Standing, that you upload as part of your business profile and which will be visible to the buying members of the community assures your status as an attendee of the Latin Mass of the Society. 

If the question that you have is not answered by any of the above, please feel free to reach us by either email: or phone: 210.784.6999.  We would be happy to assist you