Our Members

Many of the members of our online business community are regular attendees of the Traditional Latin Mass as offered by the priests of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX).  They ascribe to the many teachings of the Catholic Church recognizing a recent high-mark in church teaching in the writings of the Council of Trent.  Our business members are not sedevacantists.  In daily Mass, they join their voices with all those of the larger church to pray for the pope and the church and strive to live their Catholic lives mindful of their eternal destinies.  By your support, you will be advancing the Catholic community, and in your own unique way, contributing to the building up of the Kingdom of Christ on earth.  If you own a business (regardless of size), and wish to reach the larger Catholic community – who is eager to support you – we encourage you to sign up.  If you have questions about our endeavor, please call or email us. We look forward to talking with you and are looking forward to your affiliation.  Deo Gratias et Mariae!